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So my assumption is they're balancing for geared three-mans because factoring in some +20 damage it spirals completely out of control when you nuke three guys with a single spell. Something as little as +5 Magic Damage scales so fucking hard, especially with Magic Missle. >Zap is easily spammed >Fireball and Chain Lightning are AoE >Magic Missile is a literal arcane machine gun The same applies to Wizard in that regard. Recruit, train, and lead a team of flawed heroes against unimaginable horrors, stress, disease, and the ever-encroaching dark. The three aforementioned melee classes can attack so fast that any +Physical/+WD/+TD bonuses improve dramatically because of the raw number of attacks you can output. Darkest Dungeon is a challenging gothic roguelike turn-based RPG about the psychological stresses of adventuring. Part of the reason why I see it getting nerfed (and partly why rogues, fighters, and barbs are so strong) is attack speed. Their entire class is designed around staying at ranged so closing the gap or being closed on is suicide. If someone surprises you and gets on top of you, its ogre because most classes slap so fast or so hard that the melee MS debuff locks you down or you get bonked once into oblivion. Assuming we're talking about solos, the biggest issue with wizard is you HAVE to be the engaging party.

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